Komeer App Support
Frequently asked Questions
How do I update the Komeer App
In most cases the Komeer app will automatically update on your phone/tablet and you have nothing to do.
To check go to the App Store if using an Apple device or Play store if using a Android device, Search for “Komeer” and it will inform if the Komeer app needs updating or if are using the current version of the app.
What do I do if I forget or lose my password?
Click on the “Forgot Password” link and enter your email that you registered with when you originally sent up your account. Komeer will send you an email to follow instructions to reset your password.
Why do I want to sign in using social logins?
Komeer have now made it easier for users to login using a Social Sign In, many users are very familiar and comfortable using Social Sign In options. Users can now login using their Facebook and Google+ accounts.
Why do I need to upgrade my app?
You will need to upgrade your Komeer App in order to receive new notifications from your school.
How do I add children?
Komeer has provided users two ways in which you can add in your children’s names, you can add in your children’s names when you register at the start with Komeer. The second option is after you have already registered you can add in your children’s names simply go to “My Profile” and then “Edit Children” settings where you can add in your child’s name.
Why can't I see my child's class/groups listed in the groups section, or when editing my child's details?
In the groups section you will only see groups that are public groups, school names etc. All groups relating to children are created by the school and will remain private which ensures the privacy of your children’s data.
Once you have all your details and your children’s details entered into the app and assigned to your school, that’s all you have to do. The school will then create any private groups that are required and they will assign your child (children) to the appropriate group. When your child is assigned to a private group, it will appear in the “My Profile” section of your app and you will start receiving alerts from this group.
How do I update my contact details?
You can update your contact details by selecting “My Profile” tab then go into “Edit Profile” where you can then change and save your updated details.
How secure is my data?
Komeer is fully compliant with the Data Commissioner, using the latest security protocols and password encryptions keeping all personal data and passwords safe and secure.
What mobile devices will Komeer work with?
Komeer will work on android and iOS devices.
Why did my alerts disappear?
Komeer have helped users by reducing alerts accumulating inside of Apps. Alerts will normally disappear after one week, but the school can change this – expiry date. Events location alerts will disappear the next day after an event has taken place
How do I subscribe or join a group to receive alerts?
Select “Groups” from the menu where you will find a list of available groups. You can search for your group using the search icon, once you find your group click on the green plus sign. This will then turn yellow as your request will be pending approval. Once your request is approved you will start receiving alerts for this group.
How do I answer to an alert ?
When you receive an alert you press on the alert to open it to view your message. Komeer alerts provide a choice of 3 options to respond to ‘YES’ ‘NO’ or ‘MAYBE’ depending on your message, you will then choose accordingly depending on your message request.
How do I know who has responded to an alert?
When you open an alert you can click on the three dots on the top right hand corner which will open a menu to view responses. You can view the responses for “Yes” “No” or “Maybe” which will display the names of the users that have replied.
How do I unsubscribe from a group?
Any groups you are subscribed to will appear in the ‘My Profile’ section of the app. To unsubscribe from any group click on the red minus sign and confirm you want to unsubscribe.
I have registered on the website but I can't access the app.
You cannot register on the Komeer website as our website is only for Schools to register. As an App user you have to download and install the App on your device and then Register your details in order to receive alerts from your nominated school.
Why am I receiving alerts from a group I didn't subscribe to?
When you join your school/club etc. main group, the school administrator may assign you to receive communications from other relevant groups within the organisation. You can unsubscribe from these groups within the app in the ‘My Profile’ section.